歌手Tee因為演唱了一首love song love series一炮而紅。但是人紅了各種事情也隨之而來,Tee開始沉迷于ke 藥耍大牌,雖然有個 溫柔賢淑的女友Pai照顧身體不好的母親,他仍然不知滿足。直到最后母親去世 ,他能醒過來嗎? love song loves eries飾演男主的Hatto和女主Manao也成了新一代的銀幕情侶。Hatto在和自己的助理交往,但卻和Manao搞曖昧。 女作家Sammy是love song love series作者。希望做出讓人幸福的歌曲和文章。但是她的人生卻不幸福,之前的男友發(fā)現(xiàn)她出軌后分手,現(xiàn)又交了一個會家暴的現(xiàn)男友。身處娛樂圈到底何為幸福?
7.0 繼母
8.0 昨日良妻
4.0 泰版大叔的愛
5.0 異世界來的男生
3.0 尚岷與丁尼奧
2024 泰劇簡介:該項目將由韓國和泰國合作,故事由兩國的兩位主角主演。 韓國歐巴 Sangmin 十多年后重返泰國。他與老朋友 Dinneaw 重逢,后者現(xiàn)在已是一位英俊的年輕人。他們之間兄弟般的情誼開始發(fā)展成更深厚的關(guān)系。 The project will be a collaboration between Korea and Thailand as the story features two lead actors from the two countries. South Korean Oba Sangmin returns to Thailand after more than a decade. He reunited with his old friend Dinneaw, who is now a handsome young man. Their ... -
10.0 心跳節(jié)拍
2024 泰劇簡介:當阿珀的任務(wù)是記錄男孩組合火星解散前的最后一場演唱會時,他無意中成為了領(lǐng)導者Thame最親密的知己。Thame即將在韓國首次亮相,將樂隊的其他成員拋在身后。 When Po is tasked with documenting boy group Mars' final concert before their disbandment, he inadvertently becomes the closest confidant of leader Thame. Thame's about to make his debut in South Korea, leaving the rest of the group behind.