暑期將至,就讀于女子中學的莉莉約好友小美(吳美枝 飾)利用假期來她父親的別墅度假,小美帶著妹妹小蕓一路通行。別墅位于一個小島之上,正值陽光明媚,風和日麗,青春男女在海邊縱情享受著美好的時光。小美獨自漫步海灘,看著年輕人們歡快歌舞,期間邂逅英俊帥氣的男孩嘉明(鄧浩光 飾),但倆人只得一面之緣,夏日的海灘空留遺憾。畢業(yè)的日子臨近,莉莉所在的舞蹈班來了一位臨時代課老師,其人正是嘉明??蓢@小美隸屬合唱班,只得與心儀的男孩在此失之交臂。時光悠然而過,青春少女心,萬般說不盡…… 本片榮獲1985年香港電影金像獎最佳原創(chuàng)歌曲獎。
10.0 虎口奪金
3.0 我仍在此2024
2.0 貓無赦
6.0 蔓延的愛
2.0 無暇顧愛
5.0 解碼危機
2025 劇情簡介:Waking up chained to the ceiling in a warehouse somewhere in Lithuania Stephen, an ex-soldier, is faced by his interrogators. They tell him that he was involved in the kidnap of the Russian Foreign Minister by a far right group who will execute the Minister live on the internet in 90 minutes. They believe Stephen knows the whereabouts of the kidnapped Minister, but Stephen has ...